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Valthirian Arc (5.05 MB) ajouté le 13 Mar 2018 Joué 256 fois 1 Joueur, Flash, Jeu de rôle, Magie, École

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Description du jeu:

Enjoy this beautiful role-playing adventure game. The time for relocation of Principals in the Valthirian Academies has finally arrived and you have been chosen as one of the new principals. Prove yourself to be worthy of the title Principal!

Enroll new students, oversee their training, assign challenging quests, give exams, grow your academy, graduate quality students to rack up fame and fulfill the greedy king's expectation!

Commandes du jeu

Left Click - Action
1/2/3/4 - Switch Character
Q/W/E - Change stance
SPACE - Principal Intervention (when the bar fills up)
SHIFT - Gather your Students

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Ce jeu fait partie de cette série :Valthirian Arc

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