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Rally Point 3 ajouté le 18 Aug 2021 Joué 145 fois 1 Joueur, Courses, Voiture, 3D, Unity3D, WebGL, Adrénaline, Tout-terrain, Sports extrêmes, Drifting

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Description du jeu:

Rally Point 3 is a 3D racing game next to the cool racing series! Come in first place and leaving your opponents behind! You'll start with the beginning cars such as ForceZ, Vulcan and Bison. When you finish the first three races, you can unlock better cars for the remaining races. Try to unlock and beat the time each mission throughout the game by winning races. Be careful not to overheat your engine in the heat of the moment, otherwise you'll blow up and lose the race. Are you ready to be the best racer in Rally Point 3? Enjoy playing this extreme racing game here at Y8.com!

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